Comprehensive financial planning that covers all facets of your financial life. From emergency funds to estate planning, student loans to required minimum distributions, nothing is too small or complex to cover.
General Financial Planning
General Financial Planning
Cash flow analysis
Debt management
Emergency funds
Behavior coaching
Employee benefits review
Education Planning
Education Planning
Student loan analysis and repayment plans
Projections and savings for future college expenses
Tax-efficient planning
Retirement Planning
Retirement Planning
Savings analysis
Variations of retirement scenarios
Social security optimization
Cash flow & expense projections
Income planning
Retirement optimization
Estate Planning
Estate Planning
Asset transition strategies
Review of current plan
Understanding different legal documents
Powers of Attorney
Living Will
Nursing home planning
Investment Planning
Investment Planning
Custom tailored portfolios
Risk tolerance analysis
Review of employer-sponsored plan
Education on different assets classes and account options
Tax Planning
Tax Planning
Efficient tax plan for retirement
RMD planning
Roth conversions
Retirement income strategies
Maximization of deductions
Business Planning
Business Planning
Evaluation and establishment of retirement plan
Educational seminars for employees
Employee benefits analysis
Insurance Planning
Insurance Planning
Comparing whole vs. term
Calculations of how much is needed
Long term care
Analysis of:
Day to Day
Day to Day Planning
Any day-to-day questions that pop up
Access to my network of trusted professionals in different fields